Telephony Museums in Australia, Europe and UK

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Good Telephony museums aren't common or easy to find because the interest group is not large enough. In fact some of the best telephone museums in the UK and Europe have closed down and their contents sold off in recent years.

So, with that background, I've decided to record the few that I have seen in my travels - in particular, those without an Internet presence. Links are also provided below to the Museums with their own web pages


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Some telephone museum links


As well as the slide show seen here, Milton Keynes also have a web page.

As well as the slide show seen here, Amberley Museum also have a web page.

As well as the slide show, Avoncroft Museum also have a web page as part of the UK's "Connected Earth".

A gallery of images from Porthcurno Telegraph Museum (near Lands End, Cornwall).

As well as the slide show seen here, Houweling Museum, Rotterdam also have a web page.

As well as the slide show seen here, the Macleay River Historical Society, Kempsey NSW, have a web page.



The Queensland Historical Society located in Brisbane


The Dutch Online Telephone Museum


Helsinki Finland


NTT Japan


Vienna (in Austrian) - Partly translated through Google


Netherlands the ACTW telephone museum


In the US, links to some Radio and Telephone museum sites