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These pages show a lot of Antique phones, some restored and some not.       Descriptions of the phones that are shown here plus many more items, how they work, and their restoration, are just a small part of the content of TELEPHONE talk . This is primarily a personal web site for the hobbies and interests of ordinary (not boring), people.......... Dave, Joy, Andrew.  


Any selling activity that we conduct through this site is only related to our hobby and does not contribute to our income.   

There is no affiliation with any other site or organisations with similar names.


We are interested in a number of different things - Dave and Joy like antiques. 

Andrew likes gadgets that are not antique, preferably with terabytes and/or carbon fibre.  



Like any antique collecting, the collection of old telephones can be especially rewarding when the special phone is found or a challenging restoration is completed. Through my contacts with telephone collectors or people with just a passing interest, I am often asked for advice  regarding "an old phone". This site may help to provide information for people with an interest in the antique and/or  finding the unusual decorative piece.

What do I do ?

When I am searching for antique and old telephones for my personal collection, I regularly obtain items which I don't  require in my collection.  They are either phones which I already own, or don't "fit" in my limited space. Some telephones in my collection are available for sale. 

As you would notice, I've published a book on the subject of Antique Telephones.

Can Collector Societies help you ?


I have an extensive telephone collection.  In this collection I display examples of telephones and other telecommunications equipment made between the late 1800's and the present day.  I am a member of the Australasian Telephone Collectors Society (ATCS), the Australian Historic Telephone Society (AHTS), the Telecommunications Heritage Group (THG, UK), and Telephone Collectors International (TCI, USA). 

These societies are dedicated to the preservation of telephony items and they all produce informative  newsletters.

Collector Society Links

The Australasian Telephone Collectors Society (ATCS) was formed in 1977 with the aim of assisting members in their understanding, recognition and restoration of old telephones and related equipment.


The Telecommunications Heritage Group (THG,  UK) was formed in 1986 with the aim of bringing together all those engaged in the study, preservation and collection of the heritage of communications...


The Australian Historic Telephone Society (AHTS) was formed in 1976 and aims to foster interest in the hobby of historic telephones and thereby preserve an important and unique part of Australia's, and the world's, heritage.


Telephone Collectors International is an organization of telephone collectors, hobbyists and historians who are helping to preserve the history of the telecommunications industry through the collection of telephones and telephone related material.



For those people who wish to purchase a special telephone that will enhance the decor of the home or office and at the same time provide an operational instrument - I may have something suitable

If I don't have what you require, I might know where it can be obtained.


I restore all of my own telephones and I am able to provide a very professional restoration service at reasonable cost.

Contact Information

Brisbane - Australia
Electronic mail
General Information:

decorator, novelty, telephone talk, telephone book, telephone book for sale, telephone information, telecom, telstra, old telephones, old telephone, old telephone for sale, telephone collecting, telephone collectors, telephone collecting Australia, ericofon, old phones, antique telephones, antique phones, wooden telephones, telephone restoration, ericsson, erica phone, telephone, western electric, coin telephones, candlesticks, candlestick telephones, classic telephone, novelty telephone, collectible telephone, collectable telephone, stromberg carlson, princess, telephone collectors, historic telephone, skeletal phone, skeleton telephone, collectibles, magneto, novelty telephone, touchtone, rotary dialling, vintage telephone, PMG, Australia History, handset, telephone history, communications history, wooden telephone, old phone, telegraph, telephony, telegraphy, morse